
2011年8月28日 星期日

西聲集 Our R&B (20110821 定稿/ 20110825 初公演@ITI)

My name is John Blackie. Some of you knew me already. (我叫John Blackie, 你們有些人早就認識我了.)
I’m going to sing a melody, with the smallest violin. (我要用 "世界上最小的小提琴" 伴奏來唱一段...)
It’s too bad, and it’s so sad, you have to listen to BBC. (真是太糟了, 真是令人傷心, 你們得收聽BBC...)
Now I’m going to play it again, this time focus on the words ending! (現在我要再放一遍, 這次請注意單字的結尾...)
But I can’t play it again, since the time has been set. (但我不能再放一遍, 因為時間有限)
And I have to leave some for Ryan’s set! (我還得替Ryan留點出場時間…)
So I have to go away, with my shining silver hair! (所以我要走了, 帶著我銀白閃亮的秀髮...)
But you should still do the short talk anyway. (但是你們還是要準備short talk)

I’m the guy who called Ryan, and now it’s gonna be my turn. (我就是那個叫Ryan的傢伙, 接下來換我了)
I’m a naughty dirty American, so I hooked your present president. (我是個淘氣又會使技倆的美國人, 所以我讓你們現任總統上鉤了...)
I am able to speak Chinese. I don’t always stick to EOP. (我會說中文, 我沒一直遵守EOP)
Every time they got no money, they find me and fine me… (每次只要他們沒錢了, 他們就來找我敲詐)
But I can’t donate always, since I don’t have so much pay. (但不能總叫我捐錢, 我薪水又沒有很多...)
You should find John who is richer than I am! (你們去找John, 他比我有錢...)
I don’t know why you treat me like that, but I am going to revenge. (我不懂為什麼你們要這樣對我, 但我一定會報復的)
I will not bring you to N2 once again! (我再也不會帶你們去N2了!)
Now I’m going to change my play, and my name is Asiaman. (接下來我又要換了, 我是阿西大家好!)
I’m standing here, and I’m not afraid. (我站在這裡, 我不怕...)
I am singing… I am playing on this stage!!! (我唱歌, 我彈奏, 就在這舞台之上!!!)
Now I’m going to sing again, for you all One-hundred, also for ninety-nine B and A! (現在我要再唱一遍, 為了所有100級的同學, 也為了99B及99A)
I need you to clap you hands, (and) sing the dream you also have… (我需要各位一起打拍子, 唱出我們共同的夢想!)
"I will take my Hundred-Thousand Dollars back!" ("我要把我的十萬塊拿回來!!")
"I will take my Hundred-Thousand Dollars back!" ("我要把我的十萬塊拿回來!!")
"I will take my Hundred-Thousand Dollars back!" ("我要把我的十萬塊拿回來!!")

Compose/ Lyrics/ Vocal: Asiaman
Guitar: Otto

馬英九總統到ITI視察要離去的時候, Ryan 站在教師辦公室門口向他揮手, 結果成功的把馬總統引過去了, 事後Ryan說 "Yes, I'm dirty!" (意指他把馬總統勾引過去了)
又, C班對於EOP有罰鍰的政策, 結果我們第一個拿來祭旗的就是Ryan...
