
2011年8月28日 星期日

西聲集 Song for R (20110822 定稿/ 20110825 初公演@ITI)

You better hang in on time. (你最好準時交作業)
You better make it alright. (你最好不要寫錯)
You better speak English all the time. (你最好隨時隨地講英文)
You’re better be a writer. (你最好成為作家)
You’re better not a dreamer. (你最好不要做夢)
Or he’s gonna break your finger! (要不然他會折斷你的手指)
Now you should find a partner, and do these all together. (你們現在要找個伙伴 把這些題目做完)
And then you write your answer here. (再把答案寫在這裡)
I find four mistakes here. I find three mistakes there. (這裡有四個錯誤, 那裡有三個錯誤)
Oh Gosh, I’m gonna break your finger. (我的天呀 我要折斷你的手指)
Because he’s Reon~~~ (因為他是Reon~~~~)
Because he’s Reon~~~ (因為他是Reon~~~~)
Because he’s Reon, you should always behold!!! (因為他是Reon 你要無時無刻注視著他)
Because I’m Reon~~~ (因為我是Reon~~~~)
Because I’m Reon~~~ (因為我是Reon~~~~)
I break your fingers, in the name of the Lord. (我以上帝之名折斷你的手指)
I will never be late again. (我再也不會遲到了)
I will always remember that. (我會永遠記得的)
So please don’t make me cry on my birthday~~~ (所以請不要在我生日那天把我弄哭)
You’re the man who is not afraid, even the president is standing there. (你是無懼於總統的男人)
You teach us like the other usual day! (你還是像平常那樣的上課)
Because I’m Reon~~~ (因為我是Reon~~~~)
Because I’m Reon~~~ (因為我是Reon~~~~)
Because I’m Reon, I never hesitate at all. (因為我是Reon 我從不遲疑)
Because I’m Reon~~~ (因為我是Reon~~~~)
Because I’m Reon~~~ (因為我是Reon~~~~)
Because I’m Reon, I barbeque all day long. (因為我是Reon 我整天都在烤肉!!)
Because I’m Reon, I barbeque all day long. (因為我是Reon 我整天都在烤肉!!)

Cast: (in order of vocal)
Asiaman as Bad student (Basically nothing more than Asiaman)
Leo as Leo (1st solo)
Amelia as Broken Leg (Basically nothing more than Amelia)
Kuei as Kuei (2nd solo)
Gabriel as Reon
Eugine as Crying Birthday Girl (3rd solo)
Jung as Momo (4th solo)
Nelly as Nelly (chorus)
Esther as Esther (chorus)
Angel as Angel (chorus)
Steven as Steven (chorus)
Sharon as Sharon (chorus)

Execute Producer: Flora
Art and Item: Trinah
PPT / Light: Jill
PPT player: Dori
Photography: Lemin
Compose/ Lyrics/ Dance/ Director: Asiaman

Special Thanks: Otto and 100C asn Daniel from 99C

PS1: 生日哭泣:

99C某些學長曾經和REON串通好, 在某個很喜歡REON的女孩子生日那天罵人, 故事如下:
某甲: REON, 我要去上廁所
R: (臉色很差) 我們要休息時間是幹什麼用的? 去! (其實某甲就去拿蛋糕了)
R: (臉色十分之差, 連續丟了很多份作業, 份份都罵人, 發到生日女孩) 這是什麼東西? 我對妳太失望了... (一面把作業丟給她, 作業上面有寫 HAPPY BIRTHDAY )
女: ... (絕望的開始流淚 完全沒有注意到上面寫了什麼)
某甲及大家: 生日快樂!
女: !@#$%^!!!!!! (崩潰大哭...)

PS2: 烤肉:
REON曾經在一次簡報時提到他很愛烤肉, 一週大概要烤四五次... 又, 折手指是他的口頭禪

PS3: 講英文
EOP (ENGLISH ONLY POLICY) 是ITI既定政策, 其實沒有什麼好提的. 不過REON對此十分的重視. 作者本人曾經就被他罵過兩次... 不過最令作者不滿的就是... 那兩次作者都是講英文呀... 我英文發音是有那麼差嗎?? XD
